We talk with Casey Burridge, who leads the content team at GravityKit. He discusses how InstaWP has helped them show off their vast collection of different plugins to prospective customers, thanks to the Sandbox feature.
Read our chat with him and see how InstaWP is essential in demonstrating what GravityKit tools are capable of.
About GravityKit
GravityKit is behind a collection of tools or plugins for WordPress that allows users to do a host of different things. For example, GravityForms lets you create any kind of form and place it on your website. GravityView allows you to show that data on the front end of your site.
Since all plugins under GravityKit are no-code, it allows anyone to create apps and pretty much bring your imagination to life. It also means you won’t have to pay a lot for traditional website development – you can do things all by yourself!
Key features/offerings:
- Users can build powerful web applications on WordPress with low-code or no-code
- Plugins have different use cases for different industries and fields such as nonprofits, schools, startup businesses, and website developers.
- Includes a lot more flexibility and features with their Access Pass.
- With multiple plugins, GravityKit might already have the tool a person might need, whether they need to display, import, edit, analyze, and export their GravityForms data.
What problem were you trying to solve when you first considered InstaWP?
Because GravityKit has a bunch of different plugins, it was hard to demonstrate them all in one go to prospective clients. And if we suggested that the prospects try out the whole set on their websites, they were understandably hesitant since they didn’t know if our plugins would work on their current WordPress site. We didn’t want to be responsible for causing any errors on their websites, so we needed a different approach to letting our customers experience our plugins.
Related to that problem we were trying to solve was that if our plugins didn’t work with our prospect’s site, we also needed a way to safely debug and fix the errors without affecting the original site.
How did you first become aware of InstaWP?
So we asked around, and we found out that we needed a WordPress Sandbox. We asked some friends and colleagues for recommendations, and their top of mind was InstaWP. And so here we are!
We generate additional sales each month thanks to InstaWP’s Sandbox websites. We see InstaWP as a powerful marketing tool for us.
Casey Burridge, Content Lead at GravityKit
How do you use InstaWP daily?
We use InstaWP daily in three different ways. First, we use it for creating test sites quickly. We’re so happy that it doesn’t take long for this process.
Second, we take those test websites and make sandboxes for our potential clients so they can test out all our plugins safely without affecting their original websites. And finally, since we have saved templates on our InstaWP dashboard, we just use those to create new sites all the time. That way, we save a lot of time instead of installing our plugins one by one.
What specific features of InstaWP do you find most valuable?
Instant Site Creation is a game-changing tool that saves significant amounts of time and effort by allowing quick and easy website creation. We also love the ability to create templates, as it allows for efficient sharing and collaboration with clients and developers. The ability to share sandboxes with others further improves communication and productivity.
How much time do you or your team save by using InstaWP daily?
By using InstaWP, we save a lot of time in setting up demo sites and installing plugins over and over again. That’s an hour shaved off of our work per website. The time we save is invested in onboarding our clients.
Can you share specific results or metrics demonstrating the impact InstaWP has had on your business?
Well, as a result of our being able to demonstrate or show potential clients how our plugins work, we are seeing around 4-5 additional conversions per month! Those are from users who signed up for a demonstration site through InstaWP.
The best part? All this happened without us doing any heavy promotion of our demo site offering!
How do you see InstaWP fitting into your long-term business strategy?
We see InstaWP as a powerful marketing tool for us. It has allowed us to offer a free demo site to prospective customers with all of our plugins pre-installed. Using the template functionality, we’ve also created several demo applications that get copied over to the customer’s site. This is critical for showcasing to customers what’s possible using our plugins.
We’re planning to promote our demo sites more to current and future leads, so InstaWP will be with us for a long, long time.
Would you recommend InstaWP to other businesses, and if so, why?
We’d definitely recommend InstaWP to other businesses. Having the ability to quickly spin up WordPress websites with different configurations makes it easy for support technicians to debug issues that require a certain version of WordPress to be installed. This functionality also makes it easy to offer free demo sites to customers that are looking for a free trial – and convert them to paying customers as a result!
There you have it: the people of GravityKit love InstaWP! It’s a game-changer when customers can try out your products before buying – and GravityKit, in combination with InstaWP was able to do just that. As Casey mentioned, they’re averaging around 4-5 more conversions per month.
They will be using it for a long time as part of their overall business strategy, and they highly recommend it, too!
Let your customers experience your tools on a sandbox without affecting their original site. Sign up with InstaWP today to get the solutions that you need.