- Feature
Manage WordPress Hosting Accounts
Create sites in your hosting account directly, migrate InstaWP sites or create WaaS.
Link Providers
Link multiple hosting accounts into your InstaWP dashboard for quick site creation and management.
- Manage multiple hosting accounts.
- Migrate sites from InstaWP to connected hosting.
- Buy hosting directly from Live partners.
Live Partners
Purchase hosting directly from our live partners without even creating a hosting account.
- Add a payment method and create your hosted site.
- Migrate InstaWP sites to your hosted sites.
- Manage your hosted sites directly from InstaWP.
Create Sites
Directly spinup new WordPress sites in your connected hosting providers with preferred configuration.
- Host on a custom domain or an InstaWP subdomain
- Choose your PHP version & other parameters.
- Pre-install your favourite plugins or themes.
Map Domain
Use InstaWP interface to map custom domains directly to your hosted sites.
- Automatically search-replace old & new domain.
- Simple interface to map custom domains.
- Removing mapping when not required.
List Sites
View your hosted sites from all connected providers in one single panel. Makes it so easy to manage!
- 1-click install the InstaWP management plugin.
- Run site operations from a single panel.
- Organize sites using tags and folders.
Use Templates
Create pre-configured templated sites directly at your linked hosting account.
- Reduces a ton of friction when creating new projects.
- Can be used with any supported providers.
- Combined with WaaS this can generate revenue.
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