Automate QA with Git Integration

Easily connect git repos to your InstaWP sites & templates for manual & automated QA.

Fresh WordPress instance for every code push

Any code push to the git repo (+ branch) will automatically update InstaWP site.

Effortless testing

Code pushes are auto pulled on linked websites with different PHP, WP version combination.

Better collaboration

Perfect for distributed teams as every member gets their own instance for testing for easy re-producing of issues.


Use webhooks or Github action to automatically execute QA checks in your build process.

Multi-dev environment

Automatically spin up new websites from a template when the repo’s branch is updated with new code.

Setup QA automation in easy steps

Add your repository in InstaWP

We support both public or private repos and we support Github, Bitbucket and Gitlab as providers.

Link to a Site or a Template

When a site is connected, we pull into existing site. When a template is connected, we spin up new instance.

Connect webhooks

Copy & paste the webhook into your repo settings to automatically call InstaWP on every push.

Connect webhooks

Run commands

WP CLI, composer and npm commands can be run after a code is merged with the WordPress site.

Run commands

Bonus: Github Actions Support

Use as Github Action to take QA automation to next level. Every Pull Request gets its own WordPress instances with code merged with the website.

Bonus Github Actions Support
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WordPress site?

InstaWP is an all-one-in developers toolbox which lets people get started on WordPress in an instant, build the site and migrate the site to a hosting provider.

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